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3 Different types of Hangover

Hangover is something you experience after a night of too much drinking. When you wake up with a sore head and a foggy memory, you can quickly jump to feeling anxious about what happened the night before. The fear of Hangover is enough to make you stop at one or two drinks.
Here are three types of Hangover you just wish it doesn’t happen to you and hangover prevention tip.

It’s Raining Night.
You had a great time drinking whatever you want, how much you want. But now the hangover has already begun to cloud up starting from the disturbed night. With low quality of sleep, you are already feeling tired and drowsy. And then the hangover added puking to make your night sleepless and irritating. This process continues almost all night (at least the reaming night). The science behind is basically your liver is not digesting alcohol and thus your the body is throwing it out.

Memoryless Hangover.
Ever happen, when you know something is definitely wrong and you just can’t figure it out.
Well, it is the same, you wake up the next morning and all you can remember is some blur and flashy moments of the night. You cannot remember anything, everything’s fine or something wrong.
Did you make promises you shouldn’t have made? Why is your phone missing? Well here all you can do is collect bits of information from your friends and make a whole story out of it.

Hangover with time.
Here, the thing is when you wake up in the morning worried that you’re hungover, but no it a fresh morning and the flowers are blooming. It's just a matter of minutes before the hangover kicks-in. It starts with your head pounding, the feeling of nausea and the next thing you know you’re in your bed regretting your partying decision.

Is there any cure?
We wish you don’t have to deal with the hangover ever, but if you are then “God help you” because there is no proven cure for a hangover. Once you are hungover you are HUNGOVER. The only way to escape such a terrible thing is to prevent it from happening at the start. Yes, you read it right hangover can be prevented. All you have to have to do is take some precautions like eating, drinking water, Consume very less alcohol. But the best way to prevent a hangover is to consume a shot of Anti Hangover Drink as recommended. Anti Hangover Drinks are amazingly helpful in preventing a hangover, all you have to do is consume one before or after drinking alcohol.

What is your hangover experience and what do you think about the hangover cures? Do let us know in the comment box.


  1. Yes, we can treat hangover naturally using home remedy as you described in post, but if we take Hangover Cure Drink before alcohol then we get relief from this problem.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. While home remedies like yours can be helpful after drinking, there's scientific proof Hangover Cure Drink works before alcohol consumption. Moderation is always the best way to avoid hangovers entirely.


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